About Us
Freedom Resource International scales impact through strategic partnerships with experts, universities, international agencies, and governmental organizations in Asia and around the globe.
principal consultants
CHRISTA FOSTER CRAWFORD, J.D., is the founder of Freedom Resource International. She is an international consultant providing resources and expert advice to empower the anti-trafficking movement for greater effectiveness. Since 2001, Christa has lived in Thailand working to end exploitation at both the grassroots and policy levels with the United Nations, International Justice Mission, and as co-founder of Just Food, Inc./The Garden of Hope. She is currently a principal consultant of Freedom Resource International and helps direct the Center for Human Rights Law at Payap University.
Christa develops curriculum, teaches academic courses, and delivers practitioner training on topics ranging from understanding of macro-level dynamics to best practices for response. A professional speaker, she has also authored and edited numerous books, chapters, and articles.
Christa holds a J.D. from Harvard Law School and a B.A. in Philosophy & Public Affairs from Claremont McKenna College. A lifelong learner, she has done graduate work in Children at Risk/Development and short courses on a variety of subjects relevant to understanding and responding to exploitation.
Christa's resources can be found at Trafficking Resource Connection.
GLENN MILES, Ph.D., is a leading expert in children at risk, human trafficking, and exploitation. Currently, Glenn is a senior researcher for up! International and a lecturer in Trinity St. David’s University in Swansea, Wales, UK. He also teaches courses on Holistic Child Development at graduate programs in Asia.
Glenn has been involved in mentoring, training, research, and advocacy for children and vulnerable people, focused on Asia for over twenty-five years. He has a special concern for marginalized sexual minorities and has been facilitating research with trafficked and prostituted men, boys, and transgender, as well as male clients.
Glenn is a researcher, professor, author, trainer, and practitioner. He has held leadership positions for a number of leading international NGOs working with children at risk and has pioneered several collaborative projects including the Message Parlour in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Glenn develops cutting-edge tools and resources, including the Celebrating Children training curriculum for Viva that has been used to train thousands of practitioners in Asia, Africa, and around the world. He has also helped develop the Tearfund karaoke video series and the "Good Touch Bad Touch" and "Asian Youth Against Porn" flipcharts.
Glenn holds a Ph.D. as well as degrees in nursing.
Glenn's resources can be found at Glenn Miles UK.
Our core team of experts and delivery partners includes the following institutions and individuals: (details)
Transformational Initiatives (Global)
GO ED. Study Abroad Program (Thailand and Rwanda)
The Hub/ISDSI Study Abroad Program (Thailand)
Crisis Care Training International (USA and Global)
Children at Risk Program, School of Intercultural Studies, Fuller Seminary (California, USA)
Centre for Social Impact, Payap University (Thailand)
Center for Human Rights Law, Payap University (Thailand)
Institute for Religion, Culture, and Peace, Payap University (Thailand)
International Rescue Committee/Project for Local Empowerment (through Centre for Social Impact) (Thailand and Myanmar)
Michael Pucci, Ph.D.
Debbie Kramlich, Ph.D.
Shawna Warner, M.A., Ph.D. (candidate)
Jessica W. Counsell, M.A.
Alice Browning, J.D./M.A. (candidate)
Mark Crawford, M.A.
Todd Kramlich, M.A.
Adele Pucci, B.A.