We want to help, but how?
Every year hundreds of thousands of children and adults become victims of human trafficking around the world.
In a major trafficking hub like Chiang Mai, Thailand, at least 70 organizations are working to help them. Most are doing good work, but to stop trafficking all of us must do better.
Traffickers have all the resources and networks they need to exploit victims. Anti-trafficking organizations often have little more than good intentions and limited resources that are stretched too thin. We would like to be more effective, but we don’t know how. We would like to make a greater impact, but we don’t know where to go for help.
Only 3 or 4 regular training opportunities are offered to anti-trafficking organizations. Most are specialized, for police or in the medical field. Almost all are offered exclusively in Thai. These programs are great. But they are not enough to meet the needs of more than 1000 individuals working directly with trafficking victims or in prevention.
Without expert assistance, the consequences are dire. Victims who are desperate for help will continue to be underserved or un-served at all. Limited money to end exploitation will continue to be wasted reinventing the same wheels and repeating the same mistakes. Organizations that have good intentions but lack good practice will continue to cause unintended harm. And people who gave up everything to help end trafficking will continue to give up and go home, burnt out from lack of support in an insurmountable task.